When I was about five years old I got my first guitar, and although I had no clue how to play it that didn’t stop me from writing songs and strumming along. When I finally decided it was time to learn how to play the guitars I had started a collection of, I began guitar lessons at a place in town. After three weeks worth of lessons baseball season came around and my focus shifted so I put the guitar back away and went to work on what I knew I was good at. I decided to teach myself how to play the guitar, knowing I was hard headed and stubborn enough to do it, so I took to the internet and successfully taught myself the basics of playing.
Born and raised in Asheville, North Carolina, Bryce Hensley was a graduate of A.C. Reynolds High School. Bryce went on to pursue an education and collegiate baseball career at Catawba Valley Community College and later at UNC Greensboro. He played select shows and performed at local dive bars while home on breaks from school, but kept a sole focus on his baseball career. In 2018, Bryce was drafted in the MLB Draft by the Kansas City Royals, where he began his professional baseball career. After being sent home due to the pandemic, Bryce decided to jump-start a career in country music with his newly available time away from the ballpark. His debut single “Growin’ Up in Me” is a deep and transparent personal memoir about the turbulence of being a young adult in the modern era. Tracked at Sedgwick Studios in Western North Carolina, the song has an unmistakably “live-feel” that captures his unique energy. Bryce’s songwriting is inspired by the Gospel songs he grew up on in church, intertwined with his love affair with country music. Bryce looks forward to expanding his catalog and releasing more songs in the months and years to come. He hopes you’ll enjoy listening as much as he enjoys writing them.